Harbor Asset Planning offers a wide range of financial services designed to preserve and enhance your wealth.Your future financial security depends on the decisions you make now. There are numerous opportunities and benefits available to individuals who wish to set aside current income for future use. We can help you determine and implement your best options.

Retirement Topics

We assist you in preparing for retirement by consulting with you on the following topics:

  • Generating income for life
  • How much can you safely withdraw?
  • Managing taxes in retirement
  • Healthcare
  • Are annuities ever a good choice?
  • Social Security
  • Medicare

Individual Plans

Individual retirement plans come in a variety of formats, and can be customized to fit the client’s future needs and risk tolerance. There are many factors to consider, including deciding when to begin taking social security benefits, how to minimize your taxes, and how best to generate income for a secure future. Please contact us to make an appointment to discuss your unique requirements. We’ll be happy to help you set up a system that works for you.

Advisory Services

For 401(k), Profit Sharing, SEP, IRA, Self Employed 401(k), Defined Benefit Pension and other qualified plans.

Business Owners

  • How good is your retirement plan?
  • How much are administrative costs?
  • How much are employees paying in fees?
  • Helping employees with investment choices
  • How is your custodian being paid and do they receive incentives for picking certain funds?

Existing Plan

  • Analyze fee structure of current plan
  • Compare fund performances to benchmarks
  • Evaluate quality of investment options
  • Understanding what you are paying and what you are getting

Starting A New Plan

  • Explore employer objectives for plan
  • Design investment options
  • Assist with enrollment forms
  • Consider auto enrollment and default investing
  • Provide employee education and ongoing consulting